From a young age, I struggled with the conventional educational system. School was a battleground where academic success did not come naturally, leaving me disenchanted with traditional learning paths. Despite this, I was capable of meeting and exceeding expectations in non-academic challenges, revealing a pattern that would echo throughout my life. My professional and personal achievements were stark contrasts to my educational experiences, yet every victory left me unfulfilled. Each success was just a stepping stone to the next, never quite satisfying the deep yearning for something more meaningful. This relentless pursuit felt almost like a punishment, an endless cycle that fuelled a sense of superficial success but internal emptiness.

In my professional endeavours, especially in the realms of sales, business, and real estate, I approached each transaction not merely as a financial exchange but as an opportunity for artistic expression. This unique perspective allowed me to elevate the mundane elements of business to something akin to a creative performance. Instead of presenting a product or property as just another item on the market, I wove rich narratives around them, framing each as a dream to be realised or a vision to be embraced.

Each client interaction became a canvas upon which I painted vivid pictures of potential futures. I didn't just list features; I told stories that connected those features to the aspirations and emotions of my clients. This approach transformed every sale into a memorable experience, leaving a lasting impact that went far beyond the confines of standard business transactions.

For instance, when selling a property, I would craft a story that placed the potential buyer not just within the walls of a house, but into a lifestyle and a future that the property could facilitate. I spoke of summer evenings by the barbecue, of the laughter of friends gathered in the spacious living room, and of the serene mornings in the sunlit kitchen. This method of selling—the sizzle, not just the steak—ensured that clients were buying into a lifestyle, not just a physical space.

Similarly, in business negotiations, I treated deal-making as an art form. Each negotiation was a dance, where timing and rhythm were key, and every discussion and deal point was a brushstroke that contributed to a larger picture of mutual benefit and satisfaction. I used creativity to find unique solutions to seemingly intractable problems, often turning potential conflicts into opportunities for collaboration and agreement.

This creative approach to business required not only an imaginative mindset but also an in-depth understanding of human desires and motivations. It hinged on the ability to see beyond the immediate transaction and to understand what truly moved people. By aligning my presentations and negotiations with the deeper needs and dreams of my clients, I was able to create outcomes that not only met but often exceeded their expectations.

The Art of Living: Finding Purpose Through Creativity

Through these methods, routine business activities were transformed into artistic endeavours. Every transaction, every deal, and every interaction was infused with creativity, making the world of sales, business, and real estate a stage for meaningful and impactful artistry. This not only set me apart in my professional fields but also brought a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose to the work I did, confirming my belief that even in business, there is room for creativity and genuine expression.

My neurodiverse makeup granted me unique perspectives and abilities that contributed to these successes. The capacity for hyper-focus, a hallmark of my mental wiring, allowed me to delve deeply into complex tasks, often seeing solutions and details that others overlooked. My boundless energy and out-of-the-box thinking enabled me to construct new frameworks for problem-solving, rather than conforming to pre-existing models. What some might consider disabilities, I leveraged as superpowers, propelling me to excel in environments where others saw only challenges. Upon reflection, it's clear that my unique neurodiverse traits provided me with a distinct advantage over my neurotypical peers; they were at a noticeable disadvantage.

Oscar Wilde's astute observations on the pitfalls of conventional ambition and the profound satisfaction of an artistic life resonate deeply with my own life experiences. Wilde was notably critical of the superficial nature of societal success, pointing out the emptiness that often accompanies the relentless chase for external validation. He argued persuasively for a life that prioritises art and genuine self-expression over the ephemeral rewards of societal approval.

In his writings and through his own life, Wilde exemplified the belief that the arts provide a refuge from the artificial demands of society, offering a sanctuary where individuals can explore and express their deepest selves. He championed the idea that true contentment and fulfillment derive not from the accolades or recognition offered by the world, but from the joy and satisfaction found in following one's creative impulses and passions.

Wilde’s perspective highlights a crucial distinction: societal success often demands conformity and the suppression of personal identity, whereas the artistic path encourages a celebration of individuality and uniqueness. By embracing our creative instincts, we engage in a more authentic interaction with the world, one that is aligned with our innermost desires and values. This alignment, according to Wilde, is where true fulfillment originates—it is not merely an achievement but a profound connection to life’s most vibrant and meaningful aspects.

This philosophy has not only informed my understanding of success but has also guided me in forging a path that is rich in creativity and authenticity. Wilde's insights encourage a rejection of shallow societal goals in favour of a deeper, more artistically engaged way of living. This approach has transformed my perspective, leading me to value the artistic expression of my ideas and experiences as the highest form of personal achievement.

Embracing the artistic life has been my pathway to rediscovery and liberation. My journey has spanned various forms of creative expression, including photography, graphic and web design, and writing, each allowing me to convey unique perspectives and deeply connect with audiences. Street photography, in particular, has become a powerful medium through which I explore and depict the human condition. But my artistic endeavours do not stop at photography.

In graphic and web design, I harness visual language to create compelling, functional aesthetics that resonate with users on both an intuitive and emotional level. My designs do more than please the eye—they engage the mind and create experiences that enhance interaction and understanding. Similarly, through my writing, I craft narratives that transcend mere communication; they evoke emotions and provoke thought, turning each piece into a journey of its own.

My journey through creativity extends well beyond the realms of photography, web development, graphic design, and writing. Each step of my professional life, including my ventures in business, real estate, and sales, has been a canvas for artistic expression. These fields, often perceived as strictly commercial, have been transformed by my creative approach—turning every transaction into a narrative and every deal into a masterpiece. Here, I explore how these diverse experiences have been integral to crafting a life that's not just successful by conventional standards but richly fulfilling through the art of creative thinking and living.

This expanded realm of creativity goes beyond merely capturing or creating appealing visuals; it involves narrating the human condition, weaving emotions and stories into a dialogue that spans various mediums. Here, success is measured not by conventional standards but by the depth and authenticity of expression. Each project, whether a photo, a website, a graphic design, or a written piece, is a testament to the power of artistic expression and its ability to touch lives and invoke reflection.

Peter Pickering channels his inner Oscar Wilde finding purpose through creativity
Peter Pickering channels his inner Oscar Wilde finding purpose through creativity

Through my lens and a diverse range of artistic ventures, I have meticulously cultivated a life that fundamentally values creativity, authenticity, and deep personal fulfillment over the traditional markers of success. My journey, deeply inspired by Oscar Wilde’s insightful reflections on the essence of true success and the artistic life, and equally fuelled by my unique neurodiverse talents, has profoundly reshaped my understanding and pursuit of what it means to truly succeed.

Photography, graphic design, web development, and writing are not merely professions or hobbies for me; they are the conduits through which I explore and express the myriad facets of human experience and emotion. Each photograph I capture, every design I create, each website I develop, and every piece I write is imbued with a desire to delve deeper than the surface aesthetic—to reach into the soul of the subject or theme and bring forth its underlying truths in a way that resonates on a universal level.

I have an atypical lens through which I view the world—a lens that sees beyond conventional boundaries and perceives connections and nuances that others might overlook. This unique perspective is not just a function of seeing differently; it's about thinking, feeling, and interacting with the world in a way that challenges the normative. It allows me to break down complex concepts into engaging narratives and transform ordinary moments into extraordinary snapshots of life, each with its own story.

The profound influence of Oscar Wilde’s wisdom has led me to cherish the ideals of living authentically and embracing my true self, irrespective of societal expectations. Wilde’s critique of the hollow pursuit of societal accolades strikes a chord with my own experiences. He championed the artistic life as one rich with the rewards of personal exploration and expression—principles that I have adopted as my own. In aligning my career and personal aspirations with these values, I have found a more fulfilling path that prioritises personal growth and artistic integrity over external validation.

This artistic journey has not only been about self-expression but also about connecting with others. By sharing my work and my perspective, I engage in conversations that bridge individual differences and foster a deeper understanding among diverse audiences. This interaction is not just rewarding; it is essential, as it affirms the shared human experience and the powerful impact of art in communicating across cultural and temporal boundaries.

In essence, my artistic endeavours underscore a broader philosophical truth that success is not measured by what we achieve externally but by how we choose to live and the authenticity with which we engage with the world. This understanding, inspired by Wilde and propelled by my innate capabilities, has taught me that the true essence of success lies in living a life true to yourself—a life that embraces creativity, seeks authenticity, and finds fulfillment in the expression and connection that art facilitates.

Oscar Wilde