The Art of Maintaining a Positive Attitude by Assuming a Negative Result.

How Expecting the Worst Can Surprisingly Lead to the Best.


Peter Pickering

5/3/20243 min read

A small red brick in a garden with a happy, smiley face
A small red brick in a garden with a happy, smiley face

How Expecting the Worst Can Surprisingly Lead to the Best.

In the early days of my career, I was drawn to self-help books and absorbed their lessons unconsciously. However, one saying has always stood out to me and became front-of-mind: It's " The art of maintaining a positive attitude by assuming a negative result." At first glance, this statement may seem counterintuitive, but upon closer examination, it holds valuable wisdom. It acknowledges that we cannot win at everything, and failures are inevitable. By accepting this reality, we can do our best and prepare ourselves mentally for the possibility of failure.

Picturing what failure might look like can be a helpful exercise, as it allows us to come to terms with the fact that it's not the end of the world. Failure is a statistical outcome, and we already know that we will experience it a certain percentage of the time. Rather than fearing it or seeing it as a setback, we can embrace it as a necessary step on the road to success. By assuming a negative result, we can maintain a positive attitude, cultivating resilience and perseverance that will serve us well throughout our lives.

This approach aligns with the idea of stoicism, which emphasises acknowledging and accepting the inevitable ups and downs of life. By preparing ourselves mentally for the possibility of failure, we can avoid becoming overwhelmed or discouraged by setbacks, and instead view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

In a philosophical sense, this perspective aligns with certain traditions such as Taoism, which emphasise the importance of living in harmony with the natural world and accepting the ebb and flow of life. By embracing both success and failure as part of the natural order, we can develop a greater sense of equanimity and inner peace.

Viewing success and failure as part of a larger cosmic balance can help us avoid becoming too attached to either outcome. Instead, we can focus on doing our best, taking calculated risks, and learning from our experiences, whether they result in success or failure.

Ultimately, embracing the inherent balance of nature and the universe can lead to a more profound understanding of ourselves and the world around us. The ratio of successes to failures in life, when viewed critically, is in balance, which reinforces the notion that nature and the universe strive for balance and harmony. Success and failure are not random or arbitrary events, but rather an essential part of the universe unfolding as it should. By acknowledging and accepting this balance, we can approach life's challenges with a sense of calm and purpose and ultimately achieve our goals.

The Art of Maintaining a Positive Attitude by Assuming a Negative Result.

By acknowledging the inevitability of both success and failure, we can also recognise that these outcomes are not solely dependent on our individual efforts and actions. While we may strive for success, there are also external factors that can influence the outcome, such as luck, timing, and circumstances beyond our control.

This recognition can help us avoid becoming too attached to the idea of success and instead focus on doing our best and learning from our experiences, whether they result in success or failure. In doing so, we can cultivate a greater sense of humility and gratitude, recognising that our accomplishments are not solely the result of our own efforts but also of the support and resources available to us.

The art of maintaining a positive attitude by assuming a negative result is not just about cultivating resilience and perseverance in the face of failure, but also about developing a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. By recognising the inherent balance of the universe, we can embrace both success and failure as part of the natural order, and in doing so, live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

© Peter Pickering 2024.

Anticipating setbacks helps us prepare for challenges, ensuring we remain resilient and adaptable. By embracing potential negatives, we create a mindset that celebrates every positive turn.